
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Neuvo - ヘルシンキでスペイン料理

今日はレストランレポートです。Neuvoというレストランに行きました。ここは結構ポピュラーなスパニッシュレストラン。スペイン人と一緒だったので、タパスのセレクションはおまかせして、メインコースだけを選びました。 Here is a restaurant report today. I went to the restaurant Neuvo. THis is quite popular Spanish restaurant. Spanish friend made a selection of Tapas menu, so I selected only a main course.

タパスは、コロッケとガスパッチョに浮かんだ海老そしてイカ。アイラブタパス! Tapas plate served croquette, grilled prawn on Gazpacho soup and fresh squid. I love T+A+P+A+S!

メインコースはシーフードをチョイス。すずきのすり身団子とホタテのグリルがブラックライスのリゾットの上にのっかって、ムール貝風味のフォームと一緒に出てきました。かなり満足! I selected a seafood dish for main course. Perch fish ball and grilled scollops were on the black rice risotto along with mussels forms. Very delicious!

デザートは栗クリームのミルフィーユ。モンブランがとっても好きな私は、栗をデザートメニューに発見したら頼まずにはいられません。これモンブランとは違うけど、なかなかさっぱりめのクリームで合格! Walnut cream mille-feuille was for a dessert. I love the 'Mont Blanc aux marrons' cake so cannot resist to walnut whatever. This was different from my favourate cake, but was delicious, too.

このレストラン他の人にお勧めできます。なので、右のレストランリンクに仲間入りです。I can recommend this restaurant, so now joined my restaurant links on the right.


Pasta class 1 - パスタ教室 1

I joined the pasta class today, after 3 months since I applied for the class last year. It took place in the shop Eiring which sells wide range of kithcen stuffs to the fine ingredients. The class was held in the kitchen of the shop.

 店内はこんな感じ。The shop looks like this.

 お店からみたキッチン。This is the kitchen view from the shop.
16人の生徒を前に、パスタとソースを合えるデモンストレーション。Demonstrating how to mix the pasta and sauce to 16 students around the table.

カルボナーラを混ぜるテクニック。 これが今日一番の収穫!I learned the technique for carbonara and a tips for the preparation of different ingredients.
出来上がったカルボナーラ。This is the carbonara served at the end.
We cooked four different kinds of pasta, but I realised that I didn't take any photos until the last dish. So here is the menu.
1) spaghetti con le cozze (tomate sauce with mussels/ムール貝のトマトソース)
2) fettucce alla carbonara (simple carbonara/パンツェッタで作るカルボナーラ)
3) fettuccine col funghi porcini (porcini mushroom sauce/ポルチーニ茸のガーリックソース)
4) Rigatoni salsiccla e topinambour (italian sausage and jerusalem arichokes/イタリアンソーセージとアーティチョーク)

どれもおいしかった。早々に一人でトライしないと!All of these were very delicious. I must try by myself soonest!

The course today was for dry pasta. The next one will be for fresh pasta. I will polish my Intalian cooking skills :-)

Reindeer steak @Porvoo - ポルボーで食べたトナカイのステーキ

Snow melted last week and partialy frozen, so I've been using all possible muscles to avoid slipping and falling down. Since yesterday, it started snowing again and doesn't stop for many hours, so the town is covered by white snow again. I went to Porvoo with my friend today. It' took us 1 hour by car from Helsinki. Porvoo is the small and fairy-tale place, but it is the 2nd oldest city in Finland after Turku.

この土曜日は朝9:30から始まるピラテスのクラスで始まったんだけど、ぎりぎりまで寝てて朝食をとる余裕がなかった。終わってすぐにヘルシンキを出発したので着く頃にはとってもおなかがすいてました。なので到着後、即ランチができるおすすめレストランをツアリストインフォメーションで聞いて、Wanha Laamanniを選びました。ここは18世紀にたてられた家(のような建物)で、30年も続いてる老舗です。メニューはどれを頼んでもおいしそうなものでいっぱいでした。
I normally starts my Saturday by Pilates class from 9:30 am and typically miss the breakfast as I sleep till the last minutes. We left Helsinki after my class, so I was very hungry when reached Porvoo. We went to the tourist information and got the recommendation for lunch place, called
Wanha Laamanni. This restaurant is in the 18th century building and runing for over 30 years. The manu listed very popular and sounds-delicious dishes..

今日私がえらんだのは、トナカイのステーキ。トナカイは何度も食べたことあるけど、ステーキは初めて。I chose the reindeer's steak. Even though it is not the first time to eat reindeer meet, the steak was the first time.
Poronkäristys is the most famous reindeer dish. It is a sautéed reindeer, and typically served with mash potates and berry sause. Tasting reindeer is OK, except the smoked ham. It is too wild and too strong taste for me. I though that the steak has also similar flavour or stong taste so never tried. After finished this dish, I have changed my mind. It's OK. The meat was very tender and cremy sauce was matching. I will try the smoked ham one day again.

We shared the starter - Fried duck liver with rose pink pepper ice cream. The below dish is my friend's main dish - Graed pistchio perch with saffron sauce and wooked artichoke.

夏にまた来ようっと。I will definitely go back to Porvoo in summer!


Pancake in Rovaniemi - ロバニエミで食べたパンケーキ

I went to Rovaniemi at the 2nd weekend in December last year. Rovaniemi is located very close to the arctic circle. It takes 1 hour and 15 minutes by plane from Helsinki.

ここはサンタクロースの街としても有名です。市内からバスで30分くらいの所に、サンタクロース村というのがあります。そこは北極圏の境界線に位置していて、ご覧のとおり、境界線をまたいで北極圏突入の記念撮影ができます。50セント払えば、北極圏のスタンプを本物のパスポートに押してもらえます。Rovaniemi is famaous for Santa Clause. You reach the Santa Clause village in 30 mins by bus. The village is located on the arctic circle. You see me standing on the border. You can get the Arctic Circle stampe to your real passport if you pay for 50 cents.

これがサンタクロースのオフィスの入り口。中では、サンタクロースに会えます。グループごとに面会でき記念撮影をします。その写真は出てから購入できます。私は一人で行ったので、個人での面会となりました。ヘルシンキで何をしているのかと聞かれ、勤務先をたずねられ、最後にはなんとタッチスクリーンの新しい携帯電話が欲しいとお願いされました。プレゼントをもらえるほど若くないのはわかっていたけど、まさかサンタクロースにおねだりされる側になるとは。。。サンタクロースの秘書と名乗る男の子は流暢な日本語を話していた。2年前にサンタと日本へ出張したらしい。This is an entrance of Santa Clause office. I saw Santa Clause after queued up for almost 1 hour. Group by group or individually, you have a conversation with Santa Clause. He asked me why I stayed in Helsinki, what job I had etc. and at the end, he asked for a new mobile phone with touch screen. I knew that I was not that young to expect a present from him, but it was out of imagination that Sant Clause asked for a X'mas gift... The secretary of Santa Clause spoke very fluent Japanese. He made a business trip to Japan with Santa Claus two years ago and wishes another visit soon.

そしてサンタクロース村にある郵便局内のポストです。黄色は2010年そして赤は2011年用。ここから出すと特別なサンタの消印が押されます。These are the posts in the postoffice of Santa Clause. Yellow one is for 2010 delivery and red one is for 2011. All mail gets a special stamp from this post office.

これはトナカイに乗って村を一周するサービス(有料)。今まで訪れた動物園でトナカイを見た記憶がないので、とりあえず初めての生トナカイを写真におさめました。There were raindeer and husky farms and they provide the tour service. I didn't remember if I had seen the raindeer live in my all zoo visits, so took a shot as the first live raindeer. 

夜はオーロラ観賞ツアーに参加しました。これまた市内から夜7時くらいに出発し、バスで2時間くらい離れたところにいきます。街のあかりがない真っ暗な森の中。地元のトナカイ牧場のロッジに暖を取り、出てくるのを待ちます。夜には-20度に冷え込んだので、外では10分と立っていられず、ほとんどの時間を暖炉のそばで過ごしました。久しぶりに日本から観光に来た20代との交流です。私が20代のころはフィンランドに旅行なんて全然考えももしなかったなあとか思いながら。帰りついたのは、夜中の1時過ぎ。でも残念ながらオーロラは見ることができませんでした。At night, I joined the aurora (Northern Light) tour. It started around 7 pm and took us to the middle of forrest, probably 2 hours away by bus. We stayed in the rodge of local raindeer farm and spent almost 3 hours there. It was already -20 degrees. MINUS! I could not stay outside more than 10 minuts, so spend next to the fire place almost all the time and talked with some tourists from Japan in their 20's. I recalled my time in 20's...I never thought about visiting Finland... It was already past 1 am when I came back to hotel. Unfortunately, I was not lucky enough to see the aurora.

そしてこの旅行で食べたものの中で一番おいしかったパンケーキの登場です。牧場主の奥さんがわざわざサーメ族の民族衣装を纏い、暖炉の火でパンケーキを焼いてくれたのです。以前のブログで、社員食堂ででてくる木曜パンケーキの話をしましたが、今回はホームメードのできたてです。クリームこそでてこなかったけど、とってもおいしかった。The best food I tasted in this trip was the pancake. The wife of raindeer farm welcomed us in the traditional costume of Sami and made a pancake on the fire. I mentioned Finnish pancake served on every Thursday in my company's cafeteria. This time, it was homemade and served hot with handmade blueberry jam. No cream though.
この旅行でもうひとつ良かったこと。それは、トナカイのマットが買えたこと。Another good stuff I got from this trip was the raindeer mat.

ソファーの上に敷くとこんな感じです。これでソファーに寝転がってもふかふか&ほかほかです。It is indeed soft and warm and fits very well to my sofa.


これはロバニエミに流れる川沿いにあった木がクリスマスツリーとしてライトアップされていたものです。あまりにきれいだったので今日のおまけショットです。The tree near the river was decoraged as X'mas tree with only lights. It was very beautiful, so here is the last shot for today.


Silakka - Baltic Herring - バルトニシン

The tempreture went up to above ZERO during last weekend, so all roads in Helsinki are messy. Some places are icy, so I had a good exercise just by walking. It started snowing yesterday and whitening the city again. Here is the picture I have taken on the way to home this evening. The snow is reflecting on the street lights.

It is now a heavy snow, but just keep snowing and make the white city stay. This is my second winter and I think I started understanding what 'beautiful winter' means. When I started living here, I appreciated whenever the tempreture went up , but now I prefer minus 1 or 2 degrees as it is just make the city beautiful and it is not too cold either. (Big change to my skin sensor, maybe) 

さて、今日の晩御飯。ニシンを調理しました。以前マスをのせたことがあるけど、このマスとニシンは普通に手に入る小魚の代表格です。 ここフィンランドでは、ニシンの酢漬けが朝食ブッフェなんかに出てます。私流に解釈すると、朝ごはんに明太子って感じかな。
Today's dinner - Baltic herring. I shared the picture of Vendace dinner. Vendace (Muikku) and Herring (Silakka) are the most popular 'small' fishes. Marinated herrings are often served in the breakfast buffet in Finland. For me, it is like a mentaiko (spicy pickled pollack ovum) for warm rice - our favorite back in home town.

年末年始の暴飲暴食のあと、今はとってもヘルシーな食生活を維持しているので、ソテーにして南蛮漬けです。マスもニシンもよくこうやって作り置きするんだけど、正直いって味の違いを感じません。私の魚味覚がここで同じものばかり食べているから衰えたのかしら? After rich and much dining over some holidays, I am trying to maintain very healthy diet nowadays, so  I sauteed the fish and marinated with vinegar and olive oil. With this, the fish can last for some days in the fridge, so I often make this. I am now not sure about the difference of two fish's taste. Am I losing an important tasting sensor of fish while I eat same things many times here?

でもまた明日も食べます。Anyway, I will eat this tomorrow again!


バルコニーでビール - Beer @ Balcony

キンキンに冷えたビールは外で飲むものでした。特にシンガポールの川沿いで飲む仕事のあとの一杯はとってもなつかしい。今はビールは外で冷やすものと化しました。I used to drink beer outside and paritcularly loved to do kanpai after work in Singapore riverside. Now, I chill the beer outside.

うちのアパートについているそんなに大きくないバルコニー。雪が積もって、冷蔵庫としてとっても重宝してます。A small balcony is attached to my apartment and it works as a fridge nicely after some snow stay for over 30-cm high.

つららもできてて見た目もとってもクールでしょ。Icicles make it also cool, aren't they?

ちなみに、今の季節バルコニーから見る雪景色は、けっこうきれいです。下にはクリスマスーツリーも一晩中点灯してます。遠くに見えるメルセデスのロゴサイン(月ではない!)のお陰で、夜中でも裏庭がほんのりライトアップ状態です。そのせいで、夏の白夜同様、夜になっても真っ暗にはならないけど。Here is my balcony view. It is actually beatiful. You can see the X'mas tree on the ground. The moon-like mercedez logo sign makes winter nights truely 'white nights' (long day-light in summer). It never gets dark during the night through the year though.

今日は、雪景色をみなさんにお届けしました。I wanted to share this beautiful scenary and functionality of my balcony today.


カレーの日 - Curry day

作ろうと思ってから3ヶ月くらいは経ったと思うけど、年明けのフレッシュな最初の週末、やっと実行しました。I found a cecipe on the Internet last year. It was a curry receipe by Tamori (who is a famous entertainer in Japan). It has been for at least 3 months since I started thinking about making it and finally I made it on the first weekend this year.

まずは材料をあつめて。Prepared all ingredients from the recipe.

レシピと手順に忠実に。最後の味見まではね。レシピには塩で味の調整して仕上がるはずだったけど、味にパンチがなかったので、少し自分で以下のものを加えました。あとペッパーとマッシュルームもね。ウスターソースとしょうゆ。大匙一杯分のマンゴーチャツネ、そしてカレー粉ももっと加えて出来上がったカレー。I followed the exact recipe until the last suggestion. It was only the pinch of salt to add and the curry should be ready, but I didn't get my appetite yet, so added some more...
Wercester sauce, soya sauce, another table spoon of mango chutney and more curry powder at the end and it was ready.I also added the mashroom and peppers.

おいしかった。Delicious curry indeed!

It is actually a joy to have a curry on the 2nd day after leave it overnight. I had the 2nd night of curry dinner today.

ちなみに、レシピは「タモリ流カレーライス」で検索すると、ゲットできます。You can get the recipe from the Internet if you search with ' タモリ流カレーライス'. In English, my translation is available upon request :-)


フィンランドで迎えたお正月 Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! I have been so quiet since the last update on the 13 Oct 2010. During these 2.5 months, I traveled to some countries and cities for business and holidays. In October, I spent a week in Thailand and Singapore as soon as my project had finished. I had a great time with my friends and ex-colleagues there. South-East Asian bleeze was something I missed. I was able to relax completely. In November, I went to London on business trip and met old friend over weekend. We visited Richmond where I used to live more than 10 years ago. After a week, I flew to Japan and visited my parents in hometown. Due to the aircrew strike in Finland, my stay was extended to 2.5 weeks eventually. During these weeks, the restructuring and new appointment were on-going in my company. I got a new role and it made me so busy unexpectedly. I had good plans to meet many friends in Tokyo, but due to the change, I had to spend the most of evening time for teleconferences. After I came back to Helsinki, I had the most hard-working 3 weeks of the year :-) December is not the snowy month in Helsinki, but this year made another exception. So much snow covered the city in early December but the travel plan to the arctic circle  was made earlier. I made a visit in Rovaniemi - the famous place for Santa Clause village - and spent 3 days there under -20 degrees. Joined the aurora (Northern Lights) tour as well. The year end was approaching when the snow storms hit the whole western Europe. I had a couple of sleepless nights by worrying about my flights to NY. Last minute change on my flights from BA to Lufthansa via Munich, avoiding Heathrow airport, made my days and holidays. I was able to take off on the X'mas eve. I had a wonderful time with my friends from Japan for X'mas and my birthday. My credit card also had a busy job for a week till I touched down in Helsinki again.
On the way back from NY, I made my new year resolution on the plane, tossed the glass with economy-class sparkling wine sadly and cooked the traditional Japanese rice cake soup as soon as came back home on the 1 Jan 2011. Here is the first picture of my dining in Helsinki.

I am fron Fukuoka. For this new year meal, chicken and yellowtail are the must to be in.
I made the soup also from the hometown made soup stock, slightly grilled the slice of yellowtail, and ate with two pieces of rice cake (mochi). This is the new year food and make me feel I am Japanese.

I have included 'frequent blog update' into my new year resolution, of course. It is not really a real-time report, but I will put some good memories and discovery from the last trips to share with you soon. Wish you all the best and happy year 2011!