
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Beetroot - ビートルート

Beetroot was one of the vegetables I never tasted before left Japan. The first time I ate was in the UK more than 10 yeas ago.

This summer, I saw the law beetroot in the market. It looked like a red radish. It seems to be the vege of season. I bought it for 2 euro in Hakaniemi market. The farmer who was selling in their track taught me how to boil it and peal (after boiled).

What I made today is the simple salad with salmon. The noteworthy is the dressing. I like the taste of salad I ordered in Vienna. The menu mentioned it was tossed with the roasted pumpkin seed oil. I finally found it today in the supermarket. It has a balsamic vinegar colour but roasted taste is really nice. I mixed with the left-over coriander from my Thai dinner at weekend.
I recommend this oil if you have not tried before.


Finnish tapas - フィンランドのタパス


This is the real Finnish food story after some updates made from my overseas trips. During my friend's visit in Helsinki, Juuri was one of the restaurants we tried. It opened only for lunch time in July. The menu offered only 3 lunch sets. It is like Japanese lunch place. We ordered the assorted Finnish specialities. Clock wise, salmon, roasted port with horseradish sauce, beetroot pate and shrimps in cream sauce. Very warm new potato with melting butter on top is in the middle. Beautiful decoration and excellent taste. Very rare style to serve lunch like this in Finland. It maybe qualifies for 15 EURO, as it includes bread, salad and coffee all you can eat/drink. I want to try the dinner time - Finnish tapas with some glasses of wine. Anyone?


Summer holiday report, foods version - 夏休みレポートお食事編

I visited 3 cities, St. Petersburg, Budapest and Vienna, during my summer vacation. Foods during my trips were less costly than usual. I didn't mean to save money, just didn't have enough time for fine dining experiences as there were many world heritages and concerts to enjoy during evening. However, some foods were of course worth talking, so I want to share my food experiences.

I start with Borscht soup. I knew the soup only from the Russian restaurant in Fukuoka where I used to go very often during my university days. I tried something different in the cafeteria on the ferry from Helsinki to/from St. Petersburg. The pickles vegetables in the soup was really adding sour contrast to its very thick soup. I just imagined that this could be very ordinary taste and somehow liked a lot.

それから、おすし屋さんも試してみました。パルマという名前がついたすし&イタリアンレストラン。レストランの名前といい、メニューや卓上においてある調味料もすしとイタリアンを意識したもの。冷たいタオルが出てきたのは予想外だったけど、おすしのクオリティーは、いまいちかな。魚の鮮度とかがりとか問題ないんだけど、やっぱりシャリがねえ。海外で食べるすしの根本的な問題です。There were many sushi restaurants on the main street. Actually every 'cafe' serves Sushi, so tried one of those called PARUMA SUSHI. Italian heritage is not limited only to the name of this restaurant. Menu has two parts, sushi and Italian. Soya sauce is available together with olive oil and balsamic vinegar on every table. Cold towel before beer impressed me a lot, but the sushi was not something exceeding my expectation. Fish was fresh and Gari (ginger) was good, but the rice is very dry. This place was not an exception - many sushi restaurant oversees don't cook rice right.

In Budapest, I had a soup, too. Goulash - its' a miso soup of Hungary. A lot of ingredients, beef, potato etc. made me so full. The wine - Tokaj wine of course - was excellent, too. I love the country which produces the wine locally. Every bar and pub serves good wine for 2-3 euro per glass.Great!!!
I learned how to use paprika (powder) in cooking, so will try to make this soup by myself at home.

ウィーンでは、シュニッツェルで人気のお店「フィグルミュラー(Figlmuller)に並んでみました。特大サイズを頼んだわけではないけれど、直径20cm以上もあるカツレツが運ばれてきたときはびっくり。となりに並んでいるのは、このレストランがシュニッツェルと一緒にお勧めするサラダです。ちょっと見えているけど、ポテトがいっぱいはいってます。ひとりでさすがに全部は食べきれませんでした。でもシュニッツェルはあっという間に完食。In Vienna, I have decided to try the popular restaurant 'Figlmuller' for SCHNITZELS. I didn't order the extra large one, but they delivered the schnitzel of at least 20 cm diameter. Salad next to the main dish is also a recommendation from the restaurant.  A lot of potato under green veges. I could not finish but schnitzel!
If you feel you want to try this restaurant, I recommend to book a table.

The last report from this trip is about coffee. The train from Budapest to Vienna carried the Nespresso coffee machine in its on-board service. I had a very good espresso for 2.3 euro.



Summer holiday report - 夏休みレポート

I took 2-week holiday in July. The first week had my friend visit in Helsinki. We went to St. Petersburg by ferry. In the second week, I visited Budapest (Hungary) and Vienna (Austria). All three cities are certified as 'world heritage' (it is the attraction I always want to see). I decided to pick up places where I have never visited before and all historical monuments and heritage are maintained beautifully.

3都市をめぐったあとの感想をまとめてみます。Here is my summary of visits in 3 cities.
感動の瞬間トップ3 -Top3 most impressive moments
1.ブダペストの街全体 / Scenery of Budapest city 2.サンクトペテルブルグで見たバレー(ジゼル)のバレリーナの美しいこと / Giselle ballet show in St. Petersburg3.エルミタージュ美術館の豪華さ / Gorgeous stuffs in Hermitage museum

楽しかったことトップ3 - Top 3 fun
1.ブダペストで入った温泉 / Thermal spa (hot spring) in Budapest
2.ウィーンでのモーツアルトコンサートで指揮者が観客の指揮をしたこと / Conductor's performance to orchestrate audience in Mozart concert in Vienna
3.ウィーンで泊まったホテルのバスタブがジャグジー付きだったこと / Bath tab with Jacuzzi in Vienna's hotel

がっかりしたことトップ3 - Top 3 disappointment
1.ロシアの物価の高さ / Everything is very expensive in Russia, cost was higher than Helsinki
2.ウィーンの街並み(世界遺産の建物以外はそんなに美しくない) / Vienna's town sight, not so beautiful if they are not the wor;d hetitage stuffs
3.ウィーンで入ったクリムト展の美術館。クリムトの絵はあれだけ?/ Leopold museum Klimt exhibition. Over charged for few Klimt paints!!!

Many would ask me where the best place I liked. I would say 'Budapest'. If you like WINE, Vienna and Budapest are equally good. You can taste the good wines for reasonable prices.
If you are interested in Russia, you can try St. Petersburg but not sure Moscow would be better for the first visit. It was certainly a good experience to be in Russia and see how the country is being developed.

思い出に残る写真をご紹介。Here are some pictures of my memories.

Mariinsky theater (of Balette show Giselle)
Hermitage museum - one of the georgeous rooms

Papurika sold in the Budapest market

Budapest thermal spa (inside was not allowed to shoot)

In Motzart concert, conductor is orchestrating the audience.

Midsummer in Archipelago - ミッドサマーの週末

Many friends pointed my absence for a while. Since the mid-summer weekend till now (middle of summer vacation), I was as busy as other people, so here is finally my mid-summer weekend report.


People in Finland really look forward to the long weekend that starts from the 25th June. It is Midsummer weekend and it is celebration of longest day of the year. You experience the truly long night. It only starts getting dark after mid night and the 'bright' night lasts till only around 4 am. My colleague invited me to the summer cottage - an archipelago on the island near Inkoo. It was great opportunity to see and feel the real summer life here. The weather was not so nice in the beginning, but on Saturday, it recovered. For 3 days, I did gardening, eating fresh foods and going back and force between Sauna cottage and sea. It was a great experience to understand Finnish summer delights.

フィンランドは守と湖の国。これは海ですが。 Finland is a full of forests and lakes. This is the sea though.

コッテージのある島から。 This is the view from the island of cottage. 
伝統的なお料理。野菜は自家製。Traditional Finnish Mid-summer foods. Vegetables were made at garden.  
お皿にとりわけるとこんな感じ。They look like this on the plate.

着いた日は実は寒かった。久しぶりにカントリールック! It was actually cold on the day I arrived. Shot in country style!

これって、ブルーべりなのです。ありとあらゆる所一面にこれが「生えて」います。もちろん天然。実際の収穫シーズンは7月終わりから8月にかけてとのこと。まだ実ってないけど、島の奥まった所に、少しだけ実をつけたものを発見。収穫時期にはまた是非… This is BLUEBERRY. It is organically grown on the ground, almost everywhere on the island. The season (for picking) starts in the end of July and lasts during August, so it was too early, but found one area that had a small blueberry with it. I hope to come back to pick a lot of them soon!
帰る日も快晴。できたばかりの船着場を入れて、森と湖をもう一度撮影。It was sunny on last day. Last shot with brand new jetty.

とっても楽しい週末でした。It was a wonderful weekend.