Long time no update...sorry...it's been a month. It is now autumn here in Helsinki. It skipped late summer and early autumn and I feel it's like late autumn already. Daytime tempreture is around 15-16c. It goes down to 11 or 12 nowadays. During August, it was 25 or above, so suddenly -10 degrees within a month. It seems that the season with not-hot-not-chilly tempreture at around 20c doesn't exist here.
では、ヘルシンキの秋景色をお見せします。I now show you how Helsinki autum look like.
まずは、駅前の広場。空は青いけど、街路樹は色づきはじめてます。The first scene is the place in front of rail station. The sky is still blue, but tress are getting coloured.
エスプラネードの公園は紅葉が始まってます。Some tress started turning red in Esplanade.

落ち葉もほら…。Leave falling down...

みんなブラック。Everyone in black.
I found Matsutake - very expensive but fragrant mushroom - in Hakaniemi market. Only one was available on the table of mushroom sellers. The guy who offered me it for 15 euro said that he found it in 30km west from Helsinki. I heard it can be found in Lapland, but not in the south. Was very happy to smell first and walked away, of couse to come back for bargaining. On the way back, I asked for discount and got the price down to 10 euro. Lucky!
I found Matsutake - very expensive but fragrant mushroom - in Hakaniemi market. Only one was available on the table of mushroom sellers. The guy who offered me it for 15 euro said that he found it in 30km west from Helsinki. I heard it can be found in Lapland, but not in the south. Was very happy to smell first and walked away, of couse to come back for bargaining. On the way back, I asked for discount and got the price down to 10 euro. Lucky!
I grilled 1/3 first and tasted with light ponzu.
そして、残りは全部炊飯器へ。キッチンとリビング中がマツタケの香りでいっぱいでした。The rest went to the rice cooker. My kitchen and living room were full of matsutake flavour.
できたてのマツタケご飯!Ready to eat!
それから4食、ずっとまつたけご飯を食べ続けました。おにぎりにして、会社にお弁当をもっていきました。でも2日で2合のごはんはちょっと食べすぎでした。I continued 4 meals with matsutake rice. Today, I made onigiri (rice balls) and packed in the lunch box to the office. Two cups of rice for two days - too much...
Last picture to share today is another sign of Autumn season. The chilli pot I got from my colleague for house warming party has lot all leaves. The tag attached to the branch said it would last only for warm weather, but I didn't expect it was NOW. There are 7 chillis left. I will the last harvest in nice ways.
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