早いもので1月の終わりにヘルシンキ一周年を迎えました。記念に飲んだビールのことを書きたいと思います。1 year has past in Helsinki. I want to talk about the beer I had to celebrate this milestone.
I was looking for some rare beer bottle to try, of course in ALKO, and found something eye-catching red.
I could not take my eyes off any more!

ノルウェー産だけど「真澄」と命名されてます。いつかなにかのお祝いにと思い購入。ずっと冷蔵庫で出番を待ってました。日本人はやっぱりお祝い事に「赤」は欠かせません。とうとう一周年の祝い酒の役を担うことに。It is from Norway and named 'MASUMI' in Kanji label. Japanese celebration goes along with red colour, so I though it would be a kind of thing I need one day. Now the time came to serve for my 1 year celebration in Helsinki.

さすが9ユーロ近くするだけあって、ボトルが大切に紙で包まれてます。It costed 9EURO and I guess I paid for this careful wrapping.
そしてボトルにも赤いラベルが。Red label was on the bottle, too.
By the way, I had another reason to choose this beer. I really liked what was written on the can...
"We brewed this ale with the famous sake yeast No 7 from Masumi Sake in Nagano, Japan. On advice from Masumi's master brewers, we fermented this ale very slowly at low temperatures to bring out No 7's fabulously fruity character. This product is unfiltered and unpasteurised. Please enjoy chilled! Special thanks to Masumi!"
つまり長野の真澄という蔵元から譲りうけた麹をもとに作られたビールなのです。This is SAKE-Beer!
最後に飲んだ感想を。本当にお酒の味がするビールでした。後口がやっぱり甘口の純米酒を飲んだ感じ。個人的にはビールとしてはどうかなあ。真澄で検索したら、蔵元のサイト見つかりました。これ見てるとぜひぜひ真澄ブランドの大吟醸あたりを今度は試してみたいと思いました。I should say something about the taste. It tasted SAKE indeed. Sweet sake aroma remained after all. As a beer, I will not buy another one, but I am definitely interested in the real sake from this brand. I found their web site, also in English.
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