
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Lunch in Turkish restaurant 'Kilim' - トルコレストランでランチ

今日はちょっとローカルネタです。なんとランチを会社の外でとりました。これってあたりまえだったのに、この1年で記憶にあるのは一回だけ。同僚がトルコ料理のランチに連れて行ってくれました。Kilimという会社の近くにあるレストランのビュッフェです。It's very local topic. I went for lunch outside of my office. This was nothing special before, but I did only once in the past year as far as I remember. My colleagues took me to Turkish restaurant. The restaurant 'Kilim' is located very close to the office and serves the all you can eat buffet lunch.

まずは前菜プレート。フィンランドではめずらしくどれもうすめの味付けでさっぱりメゼ。This is the first plate. Unlike typical foods here, the taste of all meze dishes were quite light.

山盛りメインはケバブとラザニアっぽいムサカ。My main dish plate with kebaby and lazania-like musaka.

またいってもいいかな。I don't mind going there again.


Masumi beer for 1 year anniversary - 「真澄」ビールで ヘルシンキ1周年のお祝い

早いもので1月の終わりにヘルシンキ一周年を迎えました。記念に飲んだビールのことを書きたいと思います。1 year has past in Helsinki. I want to talk about the beer I had to celebrate this milestone.

I was looking for some rare beer bottle to try, of course in ALKO, and found something eye-catching red.

I could not take my eyes off any more!

ノルウェー産だけど「真澄」と命名されてます。いつかなにかのお祝いにと思い購入。ずっと冷蔵庫で出番を待ってました。日本人はやっぱりお祝い事に「赤」は欠かせません。とうとう一周年の祝い酒の役を担うことに。It is from Norway and named 'MASUMI' in Kanji label. Japanese celebration goes along with red colour, so I though it would be a kind of thing I need one day. Now the time came to serve for my 1 year celebration in Helsinki. 

さすが9ユーロ近くするだけあって、ボトルが大切に紙で包まれてます。It costed 9EURO and I guess I paid for this careful wrapping.


 そしてボトルにも赤いラベルが。Red label was on the bottle, too.

By the way, I had another reason to choose this beer. I really liked what was written on the can...
"We brewed this ale with the famous sake yeast No 7 from Masumi Sake in Nagano, Japan. On advice from Masumi's master brewers, we fermented this ale very slowly at low temperatures to bring out No 7's fabulously fruity character. This product is unfiltered and unpasteurised. Please enjoy chilled! Special thanks to Masumi!"
つまり長野の真澄という蔵元から譲りうけた麹をもとに作られたビールなのです。This is SAKE-Beer!

最後に飲んだ感想を。本当にお酒の味がするビールでした。後口がやっぱり甘口の純米酒を飲んだ感じ。個人的にはビールとしてはどうかなあ。真澄で検索したら、蔵元のサイト見つかりました。これ見てるとぜひぜひ真澄ブランドの大吟醸あたりを今度は試してみたいと思いました。I should say something about the taste. It tasted SAKE indeed. Sweet sake aroma remained after all. As a beer, I will not buy another one, but I am definitely interested in the real sake from this brand. I found their web site, also in English.


Runeberg tarte - runebergintorttu - ルーネベリタルト

After I talked about the runeberg tarte in the previous entry, I decided to try it. On the way back from Sunday walk, I stopped by Stockmann to buy. I am not a crazy sweet specialist, so not much to comment on the cake itself. The photo is from Stockmann bakery. I bought only one.

その日曜日の午後、天気がよかったので、夏にいつもジョギングしていた海沿いにある公園へ久しぶりに散歩に出かけました。家にいても太陽がさんさんと輝いていたので、油断して薄着で。フィンランドの冬はそんなに甘くなかった。こんなに天気いいのにぃぃぃ、気温はマイナス3度。アイスを食べ過ぎて頭がきーんとなるあの感じを歩きながら味わいました。でも晴天下の雪景色で寒さをしばし忘れる。The weather looked really nice on Sunday, so I decide to go for a walk around the seaside park where I jogged during summer. I could see quite strong sun shine from home, so I didn't dress in layers and as soon as I got out of a tram, I realised it was a mistake. Sunny but -3 degrees. It was like a headacke you get when you eat too much ice cream too fast. I tried to forget about the coldness by appreciating the refreshing white scenary under sun.

公園の中にはいると、さっそく斜面でそり遊びをしているファミリーや子供たちを発見。わたしもやりたーい!と心の中でつぶやきながら、足早に海方面をめざす。As soon as entered the park, I foun the family and kids enjoying with a sleight. It must be fun - I though, while kept walking towards a sea side.

これが海岸線からみた凍った海です。This is how the frozen sea looks like from the coast side.

左下に私の影がうつってるでしょ。そこがいつも走っていた場所。そして段差から右側は海です。You can see my shadow on the left bottom. It was the passage I used to run and from the edge on the right, the sea starts. All frozen!

海を越えて向こう側に見えるアパートの群れ。Apartments view from the distance over sea.
ここでふと生まれてはじめての海上ウォークをすることを思いついた。ここからスタートして対岸のヨットハーバーまでざっと340メートルほどですが、5分くらいかかりました。携帯のGPSをオンにして歩いたルートを記録しました。下のリンクから、地図上で本当に海の上を歩いたことがわかります。Suddenly I got an idea to walk over sea. Started from this point and walked for 340m in 5 minutes. I switched on GPS on my mobile and tracked my walk. You can see I did walking on the sea from the link below. 

ここは夏はヨットハーバー。去年の6月にエントリーしたジョギングコースのブログにその夏の写真があります。先に紹介した4枚目の凍った海と同じ場所から撮った写真ものってます。This is a yacht harbor in summer. The entry of the jogging story I made in Juna last year shows the pictures from the same place. There is another picture that is taken from the same place in the 4th photo in this blog. 

早く雪がとけてまたここを走りたぁぁぁいと思いつつストックマンを目指したのでした。I wish all snow would be gone and then having the jogging course back while headed towards Stockmann to get the tarte for tasting.


Collagen hot pot - コラーゲンでプルプルみぞれ鍋

My Saturday started with the big cleaning job since I had some friends visiting in the evening. Feb 2 is the national day that celebrates the birthday of well-known poet Runeberg. It's a national day but doesn't bring us a holiday... After the clearning, I went out for grocery shopping then found several national flags in every building along the street. Yes, it was the day that everyone eats the Runeberg tarte - Runebergintorttu. I heard of it and saw it in everywhere. It has been sold siince a month ago, like selling Valentine chocolate. I am not crazy for sweets so haven't tried yet, but I should try before they stop selling it. 

It's not super cold nowadays, or at least I got used to the cold weather, so I walk to the market at weekend. Thanks for Runeberg, I realised something important while walked on the streets covered by both dirty melting sorbet and hard rock ice. It was an appreciation on the depath and richness of Japanese seasonal and occasional food culture. Starting with new year cook called OSECHI, there are beans and rice snacks that go with festivals in Febryary and March and others follow every month. Japanese do celebrate the special occasions with red-bean sticky rice or whole snapper. Snapper's head is somehow respected. There are many reasons and occasions that are linked to special cuisine and ingredients to enjoy. Even for the same reason, it differs from region to region. This is also the case in many Asian countries. I remember my Vietnamese colleague told me that Hanoi and Ho Chi Miing City use different taste and numbers of fish sauce.I was also thinking of my friends and collleagues in Singapore and China who must be stuffed with all goodies from Chinese New Year banquets. I miss Pineapple tarte! Everyone brought the packages of their made-by-my-mam cookies to the office before/after CNY. They were quite nice. Many memories to recall... anyway I have been thinking of why Finnish don't make any special dishes for Vappu or Mid summer. Many of my Finnish friends taught me that they had special drinks and more parties. I am very curious about foods, so it was a bit disappointing.

After long prologue, here is some dinner pictures with my friends in my place. Upon one friend's request, I made all foods completely Japanese. Used a bit of my home town ingredients from the trip in last November, so I would say Kyushu-fusion-menu.

まずは前菜。IIttalaの美しいグラスに入って明太子登場。真ん中はホタテとブロッコリーの和え物そして右にあるのがゴマ豆腐。Appetisers start with mentaiko (cod rod from my home town) in the beautiful Iittala glass. The middle one is a marinated scroll with broccoli. Black sesam tofu is on the right.

メインは水炊きといきたかったけど、もも肉ってあまり売ってないので、どうしようと考えた結果考案したのが「プルプルみぞれ鍋」。コラーゲンの摂取と根菜で体をあたためるという一石二鳥をねらった鍋メニューです。 ところで、この写真手羽先がThumb Upしているように見えません?I wanted to make my home town chieckin dish in hot pot, but it is not so easy to find the chicken thigh meat here, so I made some combined recipe from chicken wings and grated daikon (white radish). This hot pot actually serves for two common concerns of most women - dry skin and cold body. Chicken wings bring collagen and root vegetable help generate body heat.
Is it only me who sees thumb-up by chicken wing in the picture? Or should I say wing-up?

 I also found the chrysanthemum greens in Hakaniemi shop. In Finland, hakusai (Chinese cabbage) and shiitake muchrooms are only ingredients I can easily find for hot pot. Adding this vegetable made so Japanese. (and I hope my friends thought so, too).

準主役はこの大吟醸。 友達が持参してくれた愛知の地酒。うまかった!二人で3合あっという間でした。Best part of this dinner actually came from this sake bottle. My friend brought for two of us (out of 5 in dinner table) who drinks. We finished all before main course finished. It is the local sake from Aichi - my friend's home town. Thanks you!

最後になりましたが、一番おもしろかった話。一人がいきなり子供のころウサギにおしりを噛まれたときの母親の話をした。そのお母さんの武勇伝もおもしろかったけど、ウサギにおしりを噛まれること自体が本当にあった話なのかということで盛り上がったのです。凶暴ウサギと呼ばれ、地域の人を巻き込んで町をあげて警戒するようにと宣伝までされたんだって。日本にいるみなさん、今年はウサギ年であちこちで目にすることもあるかもしれませんが、もしものことを考えて気をつけてくださいね。ちなみに彼女は山口県出身です。Last story for today. The most interesting story out of our conversation over dinner. One of friends started talking about the bite by rabbit and her mother's brave fight against the rabbit in her childhood. It was a nice story of her mother, but we mostly discussed whether it was a true story and how come she was bit by rabbit. She explained the whole story and ended that the rabit was called 'fierce rabbit' in her town. The insidennt involved a lot of local poeple and they had to acknoledge the whole town that theie was such a fierce rabbit. We came to believe in. In case you are wondering where it happened, she is from Yamaguchi. It is a year of rabbit, so there may be a lot of occasions you (in Japan or China) may see them. Please be careful!


Pasta class 2 - パスタ教室2

I went to anothe pasta class on Sunday evening. It was a really sunny weekend. I was wondeiring for how many weeks I missed it, so decided to take a photo of skate link in the park and some young people (assuming from their moves) playing an icehokey. It is very Nordic scene.

The last class focused on making sources and this time was about fresh pasta. I was able to try myself for all four pasta making, so enjoyed more than the first class. The menu was as follows.

1) fettuccine fresche (with rabu sauce/フェトチーネ)
2) ravioli (with minced meat filling/ひき肉のそぼろが入ったラビオリ)
3) cacio e pepe pici (pecorino romano cheese and pepper source/ペコリーノ・ロマーノチーズとペッパーのピチパスタ)
4) gnocchi di patate(with pesto sauce/ペストソースのニョッキ)

上の二つは卵を使ったパスタ。3番目のは卵を使わずに小麦粉と水だけで作ったパスタです。The first two pasta used eggs and the third one was made only from flour and water.

まずは、1)と2)の卵を使ったパスタ。同じ生地を使って、フェトチーネとラビオリをつくりました。生地を捏ねたあとパスタマシーンでのばしているところです。First, we made fettuccine and ravioli from the same dough. This is how I tried using the pasta machine and make the doubh thinner and thinner.
そして、ラビオリをあわせてギザギザのカッターで切ります。After put the sheet of pasta together with minced meat filling, we cut those into pieces using the zigzag cutter. 
包み終わって並べられたラビオリたち。つくりながら餃子とラビオリはどっちの歴史が古いんだろうなんていう質問が頭によぎった。知ってる人いたら教えてね。 余談だけど、何年か間にミラノに旅行した際に日本食レストランで餃子を頼んだことがあった。日本っぽい餃子ではなかったけど、出てきたものはとっても美味でした。友達ときっとイタリア人はラビオリ作るから餃子も上手くつくれるのねえなんて話した記憶がよみがえってきた。
While I made ravioli myself, the question came up to my mind. Which has a longer history, ravioli or gyoza (chinese/japanese dumpling)? Please let me know if anyone knows about it. Some years back, I went Japanese restaurant in Milan and ordered gyoza. It was not so authentic, but was really good. We concluded that Italian knows how to make 'dumplings' well.
次は、ピチ。これはトスカーナのシエナ地方に伝わる伝統料理なんだって。先生の持っている麺棒は、ころころするとそのままパスタが切れるというレア物。その辺には売ってないらしい。The next one was a pasta called pici. It is a traditional pasta dish from Toscani. The bar is a special one. When you roll on the pasta, it cut into strings. According to our teachrer, this is not so easy to find in the shop outside of the region, nor in mass production to sell it commerically everywhere.
出来上がったピチ。This is the pici after cut.
これはニョッキ。実は私、ニョッキを今まで作ったことなくて。だから、ちょうどいい生地の硬さとか湿り気とか参考になりました。 Finally gnocchi was made from potate, flour and eggs. To be honest, I never made this by myself, so it was the first experience. Learned about the right softness and mosture from the real hand-on. My fingers should remember it for some time.

ここからは、ソースに絡まる瞬間または、混ぜたあとのおいしい写真です。まずは、ペストソースに混ざったニョッキ。今まで食べたニョッキの中で一番おいしかった。 Let's now look at the ready-to-eat past after they were mixed with sauce. Gnocchi was mixed in pesto sauce. It was the best gnocchi I ever had.
これはフェトチーネ。 This is fettuccine in ragu sauce.
 ペコリーノロマーノチーズとブラックペッパーをお湯を加えながらひたすら混ぜ合わせます。I learned another simple recipes - mix of pecorino romano cheeze and grounded black peppers together with hot water.
そして、ピチパスタとミックス。 シンプルな手順だけど、こくのある味でした。やっぱりペコリーノだからかしら。It was mixed with pici pasta. It was another simple step to make, but the taste was really great. Thanks for pecorino cheese - my favourite!
最後はラビオリ。ゆでたあとに、セージとバターで軽くソテー。セージが微妙な風味を与えました。 Ravioli was cooked at the end with the butter and sage herb. I liked the ingredients of this recipes
最後になりましたが、このパスタ教室を主催したイタリア人のDavide Papaleさん。写真を撮るときはスマイルを決めるから事前に教えろと何度もいわれたけど、やっぱり料理する時は真剣な顔してますね。 楽しいレッスンをありがとう!Mi. Davide Papale who has organised the past class is here finally. He told many times to let him know before I shoot as he wanted to make the best smile. Sorry Davide, I decided to upload your serious face while cooking. Thanks for the nice lessons!
今日のおまけDavide推薦のペストソース。フィンランドの冬はフレッシュバジルの質も夏とは違うので、市販のものを使うことが多いけどこのソースは絶品だそうだ。確かにおいしかった、まるごと松の実はいっていたし。 Appendix to the lesson : pesto sauce recommendation from the shop. Davide mentioned that the fresh basil quality differs from summer to winter, so in winter, making a good sauce need to rely on the ready-made in can or bottle. The one below offers a good quality. He used for gnocchi sauce. It contained pine nuts and was tasty.