Yes, it's warm(er), but the temperature just went up from below zero to above zero. Long time! For almost a month, since Windows news arrived to my work, I have been away from the pleasure of home cooking and food search. I am in Finland, so I didn't mean that I was working till midnight, but I wasn't in any mood for foods. At this weekend, I finally got some quality time back without having any back log from work. During this one month, many days recorded - (minus) 20 degrees and I experienced the truely cold life. Depite of my effort to walk as much as I can under such harsh weather condition, I didn't have enough fat-burning and I feel my body very heavy nowadays. Going to a sauna everyday is not enough, either.
Anyway, here are some photos from my weekend walks.
Kaivopuisto Parkにて。フィンランド国旗がなぜブルーとホワイトなのか納得させてくれるショットですね。
My regular descination : Kaivopuisto Park. This photo convinced me why Finnish national flag is made from blue and white.
Whose footprint are there?
海沿いのカフェでソーセージをグリルするファミリー。Family time by grilling sausages in the cafe along sea side.
This is a famous Finnish cinamon role, together with Finnish coffee.
次回からまたフードレポートします。Food report will start again soon!