
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Red potatoes - 赤いポテト

マーケットで赤いポテトが売られていました。何年も前の話、父が趣味の週末菜園で作った色とりどりのじゃがいもをくれた時に偶然にも発見したおいしい使い道を紹介したいと思います。手軽にスナックが完成しますので、是非試してみてね。I found red potatoes in the market. Many years ago, my father gave colourful potatoes out from his hobby weekend garden. By chance, I discovered the delicious way of cooking these potatoes. You can make tasty snacks very easily.

まずは、粗い目のおろし器ですりおろします。You grate potates first.
今日は薄くスライスしたたまねぎも加えて、左はペコリーノチーズ入り、右はカレー粉とクミンシードを混ぜた2種類の味付けで。オレガノやセージで洋風にしたり、おしょうゆバターや食べるラー油なんかも使って、いろいろな味を楽しみます。塩コショウも忘れずに! Added the sliced onions today. The left half is mixed with pecolino cheese and the right half is with curry powder and cumin seed. I also tried with oregano or sage, soya sauce&butter or chilli oil the other day. Don't forget salt and pepper, too!

これをフライパンにこじんまりとのせ両面焼色がつくまで火を通します。赤いポテトは一般的に売られているポテトにくらべてかなり粘り気があるので、つなぎとかなしにそのままで十分モッチリ間もでるしバラバラにもなりません。Grill in small portion until it is sligtly bowned. Red potatoes are sweet and sticky, so it will be like hashed browns without any other ingredients.


Passalacqua : Coffee from Napoli - ナポリ産のコーヒー

I met a great coffee bean brand - Passalacqua from the show I participated in the pasta class the other day. Just run out of my coffee beans, so first trial on this new brand. I normally make a coffee, using the espresso maker manually.

My Italian cooking teacher was in the shop, so I got so much story behind this brand and was able to pick up the best quality one out of 7-8 different blends. This brand is family owned in Napoli. The shop is an exclusive distributor in Finland. Unlike Lavazza or illy, this brand doesn't have a mass production, so not available in every supermarket. I am always tempted to try when hear a such story. The taste - I really like it!

パッケージのかわいさにも実はひかれていたのだ。The package is another thing that caught my eyes! 


Warm Helsinki - 暖かくなったヘルシンキ

Yes, it's warm(er), but the temperature just went up from below zero to above zero. Long time! For almost a month, since Windows news arrived to my work, I have been away from the pleasure of home cooking and food search. I am in Finland, so I didn't mean that I was working till midnight, but I wasn't in any mood for foods. At this weekend, I finally got some quality time back without having any back log from work. During this one month, many days recorded - (minus) 20 degrees and I experienced the truely cold life. Depite of my effort to walk as much as I can under such harsh weather condition, I didn't have enough fat-burning and I feel my body very heavy nowadays. Going to a sauna everyday is not enough, either.
Anyway, here are some photos from my weekend walks.

定番お散歩コースKaivopuisto Parkにて。フィンランド国旗がなぜブルーとホワイトなのか納得させてくれるショットですね。My regular descination : Kaivopuisto Park. This photo convinced me why Finnish national flag is made from blue and white.

何の足跡でしょうか?Whose footprint are there?

海沿いのカフェでソーセージをグリルするファミリー。Family time by grilling sausages in the cafe along sea side.

そしてこれはシナモンロール。フィンランドのコーヒーと一緒に。This is a famous Finnish cinamon role, together with Finnish coffee. 

次回からまたフードレポートします。Food report will start again soon!