I found red potatoes in the market. Many years ago, my father gave colourful potatoes out from his hobby weekend garden. By chance, I discovered the delicious way of cooking these potatoes. You can make tasty snacks very easily.
You grate potates first.
今日は薄くスライスしたたまねぎも加えて、左はペコリーノチーズ入り、右はカレー粉とクミンシードを混ぜた2種類の味付けで。オレガノやセージで洋風にしたり、おしょうゆバターや食べるラー油なんかも使って、いろいろな味を楽しみます。塩コショウも忘れずに! Added the sliced onions today. The left half is mixed with pecolino cheese and the right half is with curry powder and cumin seed. I also tried with oregano or sage, soya sauce&butter or chilli oil the other day. Don't forget salt and pepper, too!
Grill in small portion until it is sligtly bowned. Red potatoes are sweet and sticky, so it will be like hashed browns without any other ingredients.