
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Green chilli - グリーンチリ

引っ越し祝いにいただいた、鉢植えのチリ。緑色の唐辛子がぶらさっがっているの見えますか? チリといえばタイ料理。今日は同僚と一緒にレッドカレーをつくりました。


One of the gifts from my guests in the house warming party was the green chilli in pot. Can you see some chillis hanging on the branches on the picture? I have decided to pick up one from the pot and cook something spicy. No other menu came to my mind except Thai food. My colleague joined me to cook RED CURRY. We went to the oriental shop in Hakaniemi to get some Thai vegetables. Bad luck! - no mashroom, no babycorn, no thai eggplant... so had to use the local vegetables. The curry was good but the rice was even better. This is the real Thai rice. I bought this red jasmine rice in the agriculture product fair in Bangkok last year. The other dish is the stir-fried morning glorly. This is one of the memorial vege from Asia. I love the both texture and taste of it. My boss in Thailand alwasy asked why it is called 'morning glorly' whenever he saw it in the ordered dishes. I have not got the answer for it. Does anyone know


House warming party - 引越し祝い

It has been a month and half since I moved to the new apartment. After the long planning process, the house warming party was finally held on Thursday. I made CHIRASIZUSI with fresh salmon on top and some side dishes. I received the wonderful gifts. Thank you all!. He is one of those which is very traditional, according to my colleague, in Finland - Dark bread and Salt. Why salt? Have not found an answer yet.


Saturday brunch - 土曜日のブランチ


I think it was the most sunny and warm day today since I came to Helsinki. I could see the crowd both in town and seaside. Many of them are already on bikini and shorts. I was still hesitant to dress like summer but learned today that this is already considered like summer weather and I should do the same. Otherwise, I never have a chane to enjoy the nice weather.
After I went for jogging in the morning and learned the dress code for today, I walked to the open market in Hakaniemi. I recalled the feeling, 'arrival of spring' today after lived for 9 years in the place where no seasons exist. The market also tells the seaonal taste of which I've almost forgotten.

Here is a collection of seasonal vegetables from my shopping. Asparagus, new potates and radish. The label of white radish 'TOKYO' caught my eyes. The lady in the shop said that this is Japanese radish, but made in Finland. I like this round radish so bought immediately. Hakaniemi market has a quite good selection of meats, fishes and breads. I bought fresh salmon and pancetta (italian bacon) and prepared the salada and pasta for my late lunch.

Hope this weather last for many weeks...


牛すね肉 - Shank - Potka

今日のアップデートは、すね肉の煮込み料理です。普通のスーパーにはあまり売ってないけど、週末ストックマン(フィンランドにある数少ないデパートで銀座4丁目ににある三越みたいな存在かな)にいって、骨付きをゲットしました。なぜか、ここではすね肉が"osso buco"というイタリアンレシピの名前で、お肉コーナーで売られている。ほかの調理法は、ここフィンランドには存在しないのかしらとずっと疑問なんですが。まだ答えは見つかりません。薄いお肉をしゃぶしゃぶ用として売っているのと同じ感じなのかなあ?

My 2nd update is Japanese shank soup. It is not easy to find the shank in the supermarket, so I went to Stockmann at weekend to get the big piece with bone in the middle. When I was browsing the open market in Hakaniemi, this meat was labeled as 'osso buco' and in Stockmann, too. I happened to know that it was an Italian recepe but have not found why it is sold like this. People don't cook shank meats in other ways ? Well, shabu-shabu meat is probably the smilar one to this case, maybe...
I simmered the shank with daikon and new potates in Japanese soup. I finished all yesterday but left some soup for different pleasure - which is the risotto for dinner today. Yummy! 


パセリ - Parsley - Persilja



I am now finally updating this blog for the 2nd time (rather the first time really reporting from my kitchen). It just happend to be very busy in the past week unexpectedly. So, it was not the week to do cooking. Now on Saturday early afternoon, I am relaxed enough to do something for Saturday brunch.

No cooking = no supermarket shopping. Only Parsley in my fridge when I looked for the fresh food.
It was a week ago when I bought the pot of parsley and I guess it happens to many people to keep it for a while as it is not that easy to consumer many branches of parsley so quickly.
5 minutes thiking - made the parsley pasta recipe. Well, I cooked with garric, sun dried tomato and prawns, but they are all supporting to make this pasta look better. A half of glass of sparkling wine and salt&pepper helped to make it tasty. The combination was quite good - today's discovery!


I have started buying the vegetable which I can find in the local supermarket but I never cooked before. The next report will be about THE vegetable.