
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Green chilli - グリーンチリ

引っ越し祝いにいただいた、鉢植えのチリ。緑色の唐辛子がぶらさっがっているの見えますか? チリといえばタイ料理。今日は同僚と一緒にレッドカレーをつくりました。


One of the gifts from my guests in the house warming party was the green chilli in pot. Can you see some chillis hanging on the branches on the picture? I have decided to pick up one from the pot and cook something spicy. No other menu came to my mind except Thai food. My colleague joined me to cook RED CURRY. We went to the oriental shop in Hakaniemi to get some Thai vegetables. Bad luck! - no mashroom, no babycorn, no thai eggplant... so had to use the local vegetables. The curry was good but the rice was even better. This is the real Thai rice. I bought this red jasmine rice in the agriculture product fair in Bangkok last year. The other dish is the stir-fried morning glorly. This is one of the memorial vege from Asia. I love the both texture and taste of it. My boss in Thailand alwasy asked why it is called 'morning glorly' whenever he saw it in the ordered dishes. I have not got the answer for it. Does anyone know

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