
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Breakfast on 10.10.10 -2010年10月10日の朝ごはん


Today, it is so-called 10.10.10 (ten-ten-ten). I was expecting a big news at work, but it was postponed, so spent a quiet day. To make a day great, I made rich breakfast, calorie wise.

この中にはいっているのは、マッシュルームとベビーリーク(ボロネギ)なんです。きのこについては、過去のブログで何度もふれましたが、今日のは今までに料理したことのない黒いきのこです。Mushrooms and baby leek are inside. I talked about mushrooms a lot in the past posts. Today's mushroom is black. I never cooked it before.
ベビーリークの写真も一応。Baby leek photo, too.

本当に静かに過ごしたので、他に報告することがない。なので、いきなり夕飯の写真です。I really didn't do much today, so no other things to report. So, here is a picture of dinner.
黒いきのことリークとポテトでスープをつくって、ハニーマスタードを刷り込んで焼いたサーモンを浮かべてみました。意外といいコンビネーションでした。I made a soup with black mushroom, baby leek and potate and also grilled the fillet of salmon with honey mustard. Good  combination unexpectedly!


Soft shell crab @ Farang - ファランでソフトシェルクラブ

Farang というフュージョンレストランに行きました。私は3回目です。一緒にいった同僚は始めてでした。評判を聞いたらしく、同僚がここはどうと提案。私は2度行ったことがあるけれど、いついってもOKなレストランなので、時間をかけずにここに決まりました。家から近いし…

I went for dinner today. Eating out is something special in Finland. It is like childwood feeling somehow. Farang is the name of the restaurant. This is my 3rd visit. My friends were first time there. They heard about this restaurant and proposed for today's choice. It didn't take seconds to agree as this is one of my favourite restaurants in helsinki. It's also close to where I live...


One menu I never miss is the soft shell crab with mint and green mango sauce. I met soft shell crabe in Singapore and became a fan of it, but have been hesitant to order so frequently as it is normally deep fried. Here in Helsinki, I don't need to think twice when I know something tastes very nice.


I think I know how the real Thai foods taste and I can recommend this restaurant. It is different from other Thai restaurants. It is not cheaper, but doesn't cost double. if you are in Helsinki or plan to visit here (I know only few colleagues have plan to come, anyway...), please try out!


秋の気配 - It's autumn!

Long time no update...sorry...it's been a month. It is now autumn here in Helsinki. It skipped late summer and early autumn and I feel it's like late autumn already. Daytime tempreture is around 15-16c. It goes down to 11 or 12 nowadays. During August, it was 25 or above, so suddenly -10 degrees within a month. It seems that the season with not-hot-not-chilly tempreture at around 20c doesn't exist here.

では、ヘルシンキの秋景色をお見せします。I now show you how Helsinki autum look like.
まずは、駅前の広場。空は青いけど、街路樹は色づきはじめてます。The first scene is the place in front of rail station. The sky is still blue, but tress are getting coloured.

エスプラネードの公園は紅葉が始まってます。Some tress started turning red in Esplanade.

落ち葉もほら…。Leave falling down...

 みんなブラック。Everyone in black.

I found Matsutake - very expensive but fragrant mushroom - in Hakaniemi market. Only one was available on the table of mushroom sellers. The guy who offered me it for 15 euro said that he found it in 30km west from Helsinki. I heard it can be found in Lapland, but not in the south. Was very happy to smell first and walked away, of couse to come back for bargaining. On the way back, I asked for discount and got the price down to 10 euro. Lucky!

I grilled 1/3 first and tasted with light ponzu.

そして、残りは全部炊飯器へ。キッチンとリビング中がマツタケの香りでいっぱいでした。The rest went to the rice cooker. My kitchen and living room were full of matsutake flavour. 

できたてのマツタケご飯!Ready to eat! 

それから4食、ずっとまつたけご飯を食べ続けました。おにぎりにして、会社にお弁当をもっていきました。でも2日で2合のごはんはちょっと食べすぎでした。I continued 4 meals with matsutake rice. Today, I made onigiri (rice balls) and packed in the lunch box to the office. Two cups of rice for two days - too much...

Last picture to share today is another sign of Autumn season. The chilli pot I got from my colleague for house warming party has lot all leaves. The tag attached to the branch said it would last only for warm weather, but I didn't expect it was NOW. There are 7 chillis left. I will the last harvest in nice ways.


Muikku - Vendace - マス

The season is changing in Helsinki. I feel a bit chilly in the morning and it is obvious the summer is over here. I am afraid that the winter is coming here at full speed. In the market, various muchrroms are displayed and that's another sign of 'climate change'.

ちなみにマーケットにはこんなものも売ってます。サウナに入って体をばちばちたたく白樺の葉っぱです。香りがいいけど、掃除が大変なので私は使いません。Birch leaves are also sold in the market. This is used in sauna to hit the body. Produce nice flavour and it must be good for body, but I don't use it as I have to spend more time to clearn up the sauna than staying there.

土曜日はジョギングにでかけて、そのままハカニエミのマーケットに直行するのが土曜日のおきまりになってきました。カード持参なんだけど、歩いているうちに「やりくりショッピング」を思いついて、現金10ユーロで何が買えるか試してみることにしました。もちろん作るメニューも考慮にいれて。うろうろしてゲットしたのが、下の6品です。しめて9.85ユーロ。I have now Saturday routine - go for running and get to Hakaniemi market and do groccery shopping in the open market there. I normally carry my credit card, but somehow was inspired to do '10euro shopping challenge'. For 30 minutes, I walked back and forth and got the following 6 for 9.85 euro in total.
かねがね物価の高さはいろいろな人にぶちまけていたのですが、どうでしょう。The cost of living is not so friendly here, but what do you think?

上の段真ん中のお魚、なんとかマスです。フィンランド語でmuikkuという魚なんです。英語訳まではたどりついた(vendace)けど、日本語訳がなかなか検索にひっかからない。サケ科でマスの一種らしい。ちなみに、8尾かったので全部揚げ焼きにして半分はポテトと野菜と一緒にディナーとなりました。あと半分、たまねぎと一緒に現在冷蔵庫で黒酢南蛮漬けにされています。The fish in the middle of the top is called 'muikku'. It was not so difficult to find the English translation (vendace), but was not possible to find the name in Japanese. It is a kind of 'masu' fish. I bought 8 pieces and pan-fried all. A half was served with potate and vege and the other half are resting in the fridge with onion and being marinated with black vinegar.



Luomo - ルオモという名のミシュランレストラン


Went to Michelin restaurant called 'Luomo'. This is one of the restaurants in Helsinki that are difficutl to reserve the table. My friend booked the table  just 2 hours before our dinner. We were sooooo lucky! The menu offers 3, 5 or 7-course and there are also 3, 5 or 7-glass wine menu to go along with each plate in addition to the normal wine list. Tried the combination of 5-course and 5- glass wine. I cannot describe how good the foods were. 5 glasses of wine were a bit too much even for me, but this is restaurant is definately what I can recommend for you. Feel full with all these pictures!

食前酒を装った、ザリガニのジュレ。北欧では、夏にザリガニをたべるんだよ。季節の風物詩です。Apperitif-like crayfish gelee. Servied before the appetisers came. It's Nordic seasonal flavours.

The first appetiser - forrest mushroom with potates.

The second appetiser - perch 'summersoup' sous vide. 

Pigeon and Pinot noir.


友人のメインコース - タイ風サーモンのコンフィット
My friend's main course - Confit salmon Thai style

私のメインコース - 沖縄ラフテー (フィンランド人のシェフが作ったとは思えない繊細な味)
My main course - Rafute port from Okinawa (this is Okinawa receipe. Could not believe it was cooked by Finnish chef)

友人のデザート - ブルーベリーの森
My friend's desert - Blueberry forest

私のデザート - ティラミス
My desert - Tiramis

Make sure you budget this dinner well!


Grilled goat cheese salad - ヤギのチーズグリルサラダ




It is about salad again!

Every resturants and cafes in Finland that services salada typically offers 3 kinds, shrimp salada, chicken salad and grilled goat cheese salad. I wonder why I don't see salmon salad while salmon soup is available almost every restaurants.

I went to the driving range after a while, maybe after 3 years. There are no nets to suround the range. The booth is wide spread and everyone hits every ball like tee shots. This driving range is a ski resort in winter. Let me go back to salad story...
After hits some balls, my collague and I went to the restaurant near the yachat harbour. We ordered the recommended salad. My choice was the grilled goat cheese salad. Goat or sheep cheese never be my first choice (always the cow cheese came first) before, but I am now very used to have this salad and therefore started liking the goat cheese,


Beetroot - ビートルート

Beetroot was one of the vegetables I never tasted before left Japan. The first time I ate was in the UK more than 10 yeas ago.

This summer, I saw the law beetroot in the market. It looked like a red radish. It seems to be the vege of season. I bought it for 2 euro in Hakaniemi market. The farmer who was selling in their track taught me how to boil it and peal (after boiled).

What I made today is the simple salad with salmon. The noteworthy is the dressing. I like the taste of salad I ordered in Vienna. The menu mentioned it was tossed with the roasted pumpkin seed oil. I finally found it today in the supermarket. It has a balsamic vinegar colour but roasted taste is really nice. I mixed with the left-over coriander from my Thai dinner at weekend.
I recommend this oil if you have not tried before.


Finnish tapas - フィンランドのタパス


This is the real Finnish food story after some updates made from my overseas trips. During my friend's visit in Helsinki, Juuri was one of the restaurants we tried. It opened only for lunch time in July. The menu offered only 3 lunch sets. It is like Japanese lunch place. We ordered the assorted Finnish specialities. Clock wise, salmon, roasted port with horseradish sauce, beetroot pate and shrimps in cream sauce. Very warm new potato with melting butter on top is in the middle. Beautiful decoration and excellent taste. Very rare style to serve lunch like this in Finland. It maybe qualifies for 15 EURO, as it includes bread, salad and coffee all you can eat/drink. I want to try the dinner time - Finnish tapas with some glasses of wine. Anyone?


Summer holiday report, foods version - 夏休みレポートお食事編

I visited 3 cities, St. Petersburg, Budapest and Vienna, during my summer vacation. Foods during my trips were less costly than usual. I didn't mean to save money, just didn't have enough time for fine dining experiences as there were many world heritages and concerts to enjoy during evening. However, some foods were of course worth talking, so I want to share my food experiences.

I start with Borscht soup. I knew the soup only from the Russian restaurant in Fukuoka where I used to go very often during my university days. I tried something different in the cafeteria on the ferry from Helsinki to/from St. Petersburg. The pickles vegetables in the soup was really adding sour contrast to its very thick soup. I just imagined that this could be very ordinary taste and somehow liked a lot.

それから、おすし屋さんも試してみました。パルマという名前がついたすし&イタリアンレストラン。レストランの名前といい、メニューや卓上においてある調味料もすしとイタリアンを意識したもの。冷たいタオルが出てきたのは予想外だったけど、おすしのクオリティーは、いまいちかな。魚の鮮度とかがりとか問題ないんだけど、やっぱりシャリがねえ。海外で食べるすしの根本的な問題です。There were many sushi restaurants on the main street. Actually every 'cafe' serves Sushi, so tried one of those called PARUMA SUSHI. Italian heritage is not limited only to the name of this restaurant. Menu has two parts, sushi and Italian. Soya sauce is available together with olive oil and balsamic vinegar on every table. Cold towel before beer impressed me a lot, but the sushi was not something exceeding my expectation. Fish was fresh and Gari (ginger) was good, but the rice is very dry. This place was not an exception - many sushi restaurant oversees don't cook rice right.

In Budapest, I had a soup, too. Goulash - its' a miso soup of Hungary. A lot of ingredients, beef, potato etc. made me so full. The wine - Tokaj wine of course - was excellent, too. I love the country which produces the wine locally. Every bar and pub serves good wine for 2-3 euro per glass.Great!!!
I learned how to use paprika (powder) in cooking, so will try to make this soup by myself at home.

ウィーンでは、シュニッツェルで人気のお店「フィグルミュラー(Figlmuller)に並んでみました。特大サイズを頼んだわけではないけれど、直径20cm以上もあるカツレツが運ばれてきたときはびっくり。となりに並んでいるのは、このレストランがシュニッツェルと一緒にお勧めするサラダです。ちょっと見えているけど、ポテトがいっぱいはいってます。ひとりでさすがに全部は食べきれませんでした。でもシュニッツェルはあっという間に完食。In Vienna, I have decided to try the popular restaurant 'Figlmuller' for SCHNITZELS. I didn't order the extra large one, but they delivered the schnitzel of at least 20 cm diameter. Salad next to the main dish is also a recommendation from the restaurant.  A lot of potato under green veges. I could not finish but schnitzel!
If you feel you want to try this restaurant, I recommend to book a table.

The last report from this trip is about coffee. The train from Budapest to Vienna carried the Nespresso coffee machine in its on-board service. I had a very good espresso for 2.3 euro.



Summer holiday report - 夏休みレポート

I took 2-week holiday in July. The first week had my friend visit in Helsinki. We went to St. Petersburg by ferry. In the second week, I visited Budapest (Hungary) and Vienna (Austria). All three cities are certified as 'world heritage' (it is the attraction I always want to see). I decided to pick up places where I have never visited before and all historical monuments and heritage are maintained beautifully.

3都市をめぐったあとの感想をまとめてみます。Here is my summary of visits in 3 cities.
感動の瞬間トップ3 -Top3 most impressive moments
1.ブダペストの街全体 / Scenery of Budapest city 2.サンクトペテルブルグで見たバレー(ジゼル)のバレリーナの美しいこと / Giselle ballet show in St. Petersburg3.エルミタージュ美術館の豪華さ / Gorgeous stuffs in Hermitage museum

楽しかったことトップ3 - Top 3 fun
1.ブダペストで入った温泉 / Thermal spa (hot spring) in Budapest
2.ウィーンでのモーツアルトコンサートで指揮者が観客の指揮をしたこと / Conductor's performance to orchestrate audience in Mozart concert in Vienna
3.ウィーンで泊まったホテルのバスタブがジャグジー付きだったこと / Bath tab with Jacuzzi in Vienna's hotel

がっかりしたことトップ3 - Top 3 disappointment
1.ロシアの物価の高さ / Everything is very expensive in Russia, cost was higher than Helsinki
2.ウィーンの街並み(世界遺産の建物以外はそんなに美しくない) / Vienna's town sight, not so beautiful if they are not the wor;d hetitage stuffs
3.ウィーンで入ったクリムト展の美術館。クリムトの絵はあれだけ?/ Leopold museum Klimt exhibition. Over charged for few Klimt paints!!!

Many would ask me where the best place I liked. I would say 'Budapest'. If you like WINE, Vienna and Budapest are equally good. You can taste the good wines for reasonable prices.
If you are interested in Russia, you can try St. Petersburg but not sure Moscow would be better for the first visit. It was certainly a good experience to be in Russia and see how the country is being developed.

思い出に残る写真をご紹介。Here are some pictures of my memories.

Mariinsky theater (of Balette show Giselle)
Hermitage museum - one of the georgeous rooms

Papurika sold in the Budapest market

Budapest thermal spa (inside was not allowed to shoot)

In Motzart concert, conductor is orchestrating the audience.