
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


カレーの日 - Curry day

作ろうと思ってから3ヶ月くらいは経ったと思うけど、年明けのフレッシュな最初の週末、やっと実行しました。I found a cecipe on the Internet last year. It was a curry receipe by Tamori (who is a famous entertainer in Japan). It has been for at least 3 months since I started thinking about making it and finally I made it on the first weekend this year.

まずは材料をあつめて。Prepared all ingredients from the recipe.

レシピと手順に忠実に。最後の味見まではね。レシピには塩で味の調整して仕上がるはずだったけど、味にパンチがなかったので、少し自分で以下のものを加えました。あとペッパーとマッシュルームもね。ウスターソースとしょうゆ。大匙一杯分のマンゴーチャツネ、そしてカレー粉ももっと加えて出来上がったカレー。I followed the exact recipe until the last suggestion. It was only the pinch of salt to add and the curry should be ready, but I didn't get my appetite yet, so added some more...
Wercester sauce, soya sauce, another table spoon of mango chutney and more curry powder at the end and it was ready.I also added the mashroom and peppers.

おいしかった。Delicious curry indeed!

It is actually a joy to have a curry on the 2nd day after leave it overnight. I had the 2nd night of curry dinner today.

ちなみに、レシピは「タモリ流カレーライス」で検索すると、ゲットできます。You can get the recipe from the Internet if you search with ' タモリ流カレーライス'. In English, my translation is available upon request :-)

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