
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Reindeer steak @Porvoo - ポルボーで食べたトナカイのステーキ

Snow melted last week and partialy frozen, so I've been using all possible muscles to avoid slipping and falling down. Since yesterday, it started snowing again and doesn't stop for many hours, so the town is covered by white snow again. I went to Porvoo with my friend today. It' took us 1 hour by car from Helsinki. Porvoo is the small and fairy-tale place, but it is the 2nd oldest city in Finland after Turku.

この土曜日は朝9:30から始まるピラテスのクラスで始まったんだけど、ぎりぎりまで寝てて朝食をとる余裕がなかった。終わってすぐにヘルシンキを出発したので着く頃にはとってもおなかがすいてました。なので到着後、即ランチができるおすすめレストランをツアリストインフォメーションで聞いて、Wanha Laamanniを選びました。ここは18世紀にたてられた家(のような建物)で、30年も続いてる老舗です。メニューはどれを頼んでもおいしそうなものでいっぱいでした。
I normally starts my Saturday by Pilates class from 9:30 am and typically miss the breakfast as I sleep till the last minutes. We left Helsinki after my class, so I was very hungry when reached Porvoo. We went to the tourist information and got the recommendation for lunch place, called
Wanha Laamanni. This restaurant is in the 18th century building and runing for over 30 years. The manu listed very popular and sounds-delicious dishes..

今日私がえらんだのは、トナカイのステーキ。トナカイは何度も食べたことあるけど、ステーキは初めて。I chose the reindeer's steak. Even though it is not the first time to eat reindeer meet, the steak was the first time.
Poronkäristys is the most famous reindeer dish. It is a sautéed reindeer, and typically served with mash potates and berry sause. Tasting reindeer is OK, except the smoked ham. It is too wild and too strong taste for me. I though that the steak has also similar flavour or stong taste so never tried. After finished this dish, I have changed my mind. It's OK. The meat was very tender and cremy sauce was matching. I will try the smoked ham one day again.

We shared the starter - Fried duck liver with rose pink pepper ice cream. The below dish is my friend's main dish - Graed pistchio perch with saffron sauce and wooked artichoke.

夏にまた来ようっと。I will definitely go back to Porvoo in summer!

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