
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Summer holiday report, foods version - 夏休みレポートお食事編

I visited 3 cities, St. Petersburg, Budapest and Vienna, during my summer vacation. Foods during my trips were less costly than usual. I didn't mean to save money, just didn't have enough time for fine dining experiences as there were many world heritages and concerts to enjoy during evening. However, some foods were of course worth talking, so I want to share my food experiences.

I start with Borscht soup. I knew the soup only from the Russian restaurant in Fukuoka where I used to go very often during my university days. I tried something different in the cafeteria on the ferry from Helsinki to/from St. Petersburg. The pickles vegetables in the soup was really adding sour contrast to its very thick soup. I just imagined that this could be very ordinary taste and somehow liked a lot.

それから、おすし屋さんも試してみました。パルマという名前がついたすし&イタリアンレストラン。レストランの名前といい、メニューや卓上においてある調味料もすしとイタリアンを意識したもの。冷たいタオルが出てきたのは予想外だったけど、おすしのクオリティーは、いまいちかな。魚の鮮度とかがりとか問題ないんだけど、やっぱりシャリがねえ。海外で食べるすしの根本的な問題です。There were many sushi restaurants on the main street. Actually every 'cafe' serves Sushi, so tried one of those called PARUMA SUSHI. Italian heritage is not limited only to the name of this restaurant. Menu has two parts, sushi and Italian. Soya sauce is available together with olive oil and balsamic vinegar on every table. Cold towel before beer impressed me a lot, but the sushi was not something exceeding my expectation. Fish was fresh and Gari (ginger) was good, but the rice is very dry. This place was not an exception - many sushi restaurant oversees don't cook rice right.

In Budapest, I had a soup, too. Goulash - its' a miso soup of Hungary. A lot of ingredients, beef, potato etc. made me so full. The wine - Tokaj wine of course - was excellent, too. I love the country which produces the wine locally. Every bar and pub serves good wine for 2-3 euro per glass.Great!!!
I learned how to use paprika (powder) in cooking, so will try to make this soup by myself at home.

ウィーンでは、シュニッツェルで人気のお店「フィグルミュラー(Figlmuller)に並んでみました。特大サイズを頼んだわけではないけれど、直径20cm以上もあるカツレツが運ばれてきたときはびっくり。となりに並んでいるのは、このレストランがシュニッツェルと一緒にお勧めするサラダです。ちょっと見えているけど、ポテトがいっぱいはいってます。ひとりでさすがに全部は食べきれませんでした。でもシュニッツェルはあっという間に完食。In Vienna, I have decided to try the popular restaurant 'Figlmuller' for SCHNITZELS. I didn't order the extra large one, but they delivered the schnitzel of at least 20 cm diameter. Salad next to the main dish is also a recommendation from the restaurant.  A lot of potato under green veges. I could not finish but schnitzel!
If you feel you want to try this restaurant, I recommend to book a table.

The last report from this trip is about coffee. The train from Budapest to Vienna carried the Nespresso coffee machine in its on-board service. I had a very good espresso for 2.3 euro.


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