The tempreture went up to above ZERO during last weekend, so all roads in Helsinki are messy. Some places are icy, so I had a good exercise just by walking. It started snowing yesterday and whitening the city again. Here is the picture I have taken on the way to home this evening. The snow is reflecting on the street lights.
It is now a heavy snow, but just keep snowing and make the white city stay. This is my second winter and I think I started understanding what 'beautiful winter' means. When I started living here, I appreciated whenever the tempreture went up , but now I prefer minus 1 or 2 degrees as it is just make the city beautiful and it is not too cold either. (Big change to my skin sensor, maybe)
さて、今日の晩御飯。ニシンを調理しました。以前マスをのせたことがあるけど、このマスとニシンは普通に手に入る小魚の代表格です。 ここフィンランドでは、ニシンの酢漬けが朝食ブッフェなんかに出てます。私流に解釈すると、朝ごはんに明太子って感じかな。
Today's dinner - Baltic herring. I shared the picture of Vendace dinner. Vendace (Muikku) and Herring (Silakka) are the most popular 'small' fishes. Marinated herrings are often served in the breakfast buffet in Finland. For me, it is like a mentaiko (spicy pickled pollack ovum) for warm rice - our favorite back in home town.
年末年始の暴飲暴食のあと、今はとってもヘルシーな食生活を維持しているので、ソテーにして南蛮漬けです。マスもニシンもよくこうやって作り置きするんだけど、正直いって味の違いを感じません。私の魚味覚がここで同じものばかり食べているから衰えたのかしら? After rich and much dining over some holidays, I am trying to maintain very healthy diet nowadays, so I sauteed the fish and marinated with vinegar and olive oil. With this, the fish can last for some days in the fridge, so I often make this. I am now not sure about the difference of two fish's taste. Am I losing an important tasting sensor of fish while I eat same things many times here?
でもまた明日も食べます。Anyway, I will eat this tomorrow again!