
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Pasta class 1 - パスタ教室 1

I joined the pasta class today, after 3 months since I applied for the class last year. It took place in the shop Eiring which sells wide range of kithcen stuffs to the fine ingredients. The class was held in the kitchen of the shop.

 店内はこんな感じ。The shop looks like this.

 お店からみたキッチン。This is the kitchen view from the shop.
16人の生徒を前に、パスタとソースを合えるデモンストレーション。Demonstrating how to mix the pasta and sauce to 16 students around the table.

カルボナーラを混ぜるテクニック。 これが今日一番の収穫!I learned the technique for carbonara and a tips for the preparation of different ingredients.
出来上がったカルボナーラ。This is the carbonara served at the end.
We cooked four different kinds of pasta, but I realised that I didn't take any photos until the last dish. So here is the menu.
1) spaghetti con le cozze (tomate sauce with mussels/ムール貝のトマトソース)
2) fettucce alla carbonara (simple carbonara/パンツェッタで作るカルボナーラ)
3) fettuccine col funghi porcini (porcini mushroom sauce/ポルチーニ茸のガーリックソース)
4) Rigatoni salsiccla e topinambour (italian sausage and jerusalem arichokes/イタリアンソーセージとアーティチョーク)

どれもおいしかった。早々に一人でトライしないと!All of these were very delicious. I must try by myself soonest!

The course today was for dry pasta. The next one will be for fresh pasta. I will polish my Intalian cooking skills :-)

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