
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Day 3 : Toscana cooking@Firenze - フィレンツェで料理修行

3日目は前日の夕食を抜いて参加。wI skipped the dinner on Day2 to prepare for the 3rd class.

Melanzane al funghetto (なすの炒め物)
Spaghetti alla amatriciana (スパゲッティ・アマトリチャーナ)
Involtini di pollo (鶏のマスタード焼き)
Biscott di prato (プラート地方のビスコッティ)

Antipasto : Melanzane al funghetto前菜 : なすの炒め物
メニューの名前はきのこみたいな仕上がりになるなすの炒め物。いわれてみれば、確かに見た目はきのこかも。This menu means 'mushroom-look-like stir fried aubergine'. Yes, indeed, it looks like fried mushrooms.

これを作って学習したこと。それはナスは炒める時に、ぜったいに他の食材と混ぜないこと。食感がちがいます!hSomething I learned in this cooking - don't mix with other ingredients when you stir-fry aubergine. 

Primo Piatto : Spaghetti alla amatriciana第一の皿:スパゲッティ・アマトリチャーナ
よく知られたローマ地方のパスタ料理。実はフィレンツェに来る前に、ローマのレストランでたべたのだけど、お世辞じゃなくこちらのほうがおいしい。パンツェッタ(イタリアのベーコン)で作りました。MVery well-known pasta dish from Rome. I had tasted in Rome before came to Firenze, but this one is much better. Used pancetta.

Secondo Piatto : Involtini di pollo第二の皿:鶏のマスタード焼き
これもまた目からうろこのレシピ。マスタードをたっぷり使って白ワインで仕上げたもの。ブォーノブォーノ!!! This was another eye-opening recipe. A lot of dijon mustard and finishes with white wine. Buono buono! 

Dolce: Biscott di pratoドルチェ:プラート地方のビスコッティ
よくカプチーノとかをたのんだらついてくるクッキー。焼きたての熱いうちに切って、冷ましてからかちかちにしたものを食べるけど、焼きたてもすこしやわらかくておいしかった。日持ちするので作り置きOK。This is the cookie that is served with cappuccino or similar. After baked, cut into slices while it is hot and it is served the hard one after cool down, but the one out of oven was also great! This can be reserved for some time, so can make a lot and keep them in a can.

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