
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Day 5 : Toscana cooking@Firenze - フィレンツェで料理修行

わっわっわたくしとしたことが、携帯=カメラ(もちろんNokia N8)をアパートに忘れてでかけてしまいました。なので、5日目のお料理と手順を写真に収めることができませんでした。とりあえずメニューだけ紹介します。ちなみに今週から生徒は私ひとり。先生独り占めです。Oops, I forgot my mobile phone=camera (off course Nokia N8) in my apartment, so could not take photos of foods and processes. So, I will introduce only menu. This week onward, I am an only student, so it is a private lesson.

Insalata parmigiana(ポロねぎとパルメザンチーズのサラダ)
Pasta con zucchinee aceto balsamico(バルサミコのきいたズッキーニとリコッタチーズのパスタ)
Involtini al marsala (豚肉と生ハムのセージ焼き・マルサラ酒風味)
Mousse di mele(りんごのムース

It is indeed pity that I cannot show the visuals of delicious foods from today’s class. The salad was simply great with just a mixed dressing of olive oil and lemon juice. It matched to the salty parmesan cheese. I was able to enjoy the leek (I had it without cooking first time) out of the simple taste of this green salad. The past was also amazing. Very well stir-fried zucchini absorbed the essence of balsamic vinegar and it went very well with the grated old (hard) ricotta cheese. Marsala – local digestive liquor – made the main dish fantastic. It is similar to Japanese umeshu (plum liquor), so tasty as it is, but it became an excellent sauce for the port after all.

これで終わるのも寂しいので、週末にアパートの近くのピッツェリアからテークアウトしたピザの写真を載せます。鶏の詰め物をした日から、機会があればSALSICCIA(イタリアンソーセージ)食べてます。No pictures from cooking class, so here is pizza taken-out at weekend from the nearby pizzeria. I am addicted with SALSICCIA (Italian sausage) since made the stuffed chicken from it, so taking every opportunity to taste it.

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