
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Day 2 : Toscana cooking@Firenze - フィレンツェで料理修行

2日目は生徒がもう二人人加わって、全員で5人。キッチンがいっぱいになりました。今日も4コースメニューです。クラスは朝9時30分から10時の間に始まっって、作ったものをお昼前後にいただきます。昨日のランチでまだおなかいっぱいなのに、おいしくていっぱい食べてしまいました。Two more students joined on the 2nd day and we were 5 together. The kitchen was packed! The class starts between 9:30 and 10:00 in the morning and we take all cooked dishes for lunch. I felt still full from the lunch at Day 1, but ended up eating more as all was delicious.

Cipolline agrodolce (甘酸っぱいたまねぎの前菜)
Gnocchi alla romana (ローマ風ニョッキ)
Pollo ripieno (鶏肉の丸焼き)
Dolce soffice rum e cioccolato (チョコレートとラム酒のふんわりケーキ)

Antipasto : Cipolline agrodolce前菜 : 甘酸っぱいたまねぎの前菜
水と酢と砂糖とレーズンと松の実でこんな味になるんだあと感心した一皿。よく食べる味だけど、レシピは目からうろこでした。Only water, vinegar, sugar, raisin and pine nuts make this dish. It was not the first time to taste this, but the reciepe was eye-opening!

Primo Piatto : Gnocchi alla romana第一の皿:ローマ風ニョッキニョッキといえばころころしたポテトと作るあれを想像してしまいがち。これはローマ風のニョッキです。ローマ風ニョッキ専用のセモリナ粉を他の材料とあわせてこねて薄く延ばし、丸い型で抜いてならべてオーブンへ。あのニョッキよりもお手軽かな。一緒に野菜のみじん切りを混ぜてもいいらしい。This is nocchi from Rome. Very different from the typical gnocchi that is made of flour and potate.There is the semorina specially mixed for this Roman gnocchi. I think it is not so complicated to make as other famous gnocchi. You can mix with the chopped vegetables according to my teacher.

Secondo Piatto : Pollo ripieno第二の皿:鶏肉の丸焼きこれ1週目で一番気に入ったメインディッシュです。丸ごとの鶏にソーセージの詰め物をして深鍋で火をいれたあと、身をばらして、たまねぎや乾燥ポルチーニのうまみの出たソースのなかに戻して少し煮込みます。美味しさは説明できない。This is the most favourite dish in all lessons in the first week. The whole chicken is stuffed by Italian sausage (salsicce) and simmer for a while. When it was well coocked, sliced the meat and put them back to the sauce with onion and dried porcini. I cannot explain how delicious it was...
調理過程も少し紹介。これを作ったあと、イタリアンソーセージにはまってます。See how it was prepared. I am now addicted with Italian sausage after this cooking.
Dolce: Dolce soffice rum e cioccolatoドルチェ:チョコレートとラム酒のふんわりケーキラム酒のきいた軽いチョコレートケーキ。これは卵を使わないケーキ。昨日は小麦粉なし、今日は卵なし。いろいろアレルギーのある人がいるからケーキ職人になるのも大変だね。Very light chocolate & rum cake. We didn't use eggs. It was no flour yesterday and no eggs today. It will be very challenging to be a paticie as it needs to consider a lot of different allegies.

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