
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Day 4 : Toscana cooking@Firenze - フィレンツェで料理修行

ふうぅ。とうとう1週目最後のクラスです。おなかはパンク状態。週末は絶食だと心して、4日目のクラスに挑みました。Finally, it is the last day in the 1st week. My stomach doesn’t have any room for foods. While I took the fourth lesson, I was thinking all the time not to eat at all over weekend.

Insalata di mele, carote e golgonzora (りんごとにんじんとゴルゴンゾーラのサラダ)
Pasta e patate(ポテトのパスタ)
Petto di tacchina in forno (七面鳥の香草蒸し焼き)
Tarta di mele gratinata(りんごのタルト)

Antipasto : Insalata di mele, carote e golgonzora前菜 : りんごとにんじんとゴルゴンゾーラのサラダ
混ぜるだけなのに、なぜこんなにおいしいのでしょう。いつも別々に食べてるものばかり。これから一緒に食べます。How come the mix of these three ingredients taste so good?  I will never eat them separately in the future!

Primo Piatto : Pasta e patate第一の皿: ポテトのパスタ
4日目にして、パスタとポテトを混ぜる炭水化物攻めはきついと恐れつつ、皿にとりわけたのですが、ローズマリーの風味が利いたソースがいける!ポテトを使ったパスタは他のソースで食べたことあるけど、ポテトだけが具のパスタは初めて。たくさん食べる人がゲストの時にいいかも。It’s the fourth day as mentioned and I had to encourage myself to take this double carbon-hydrated pasta to my plate. But, but, but … it is not possible to resist to the rosemary flavor. I had some past dishes with potato before but never be only-potato. This past would be great when have the hungry guest!

Secondo Piatto : Petto di tacchina in forno第二の皿: 七面鳥の香草蒸し焼き
このメインコースの味の決め手は、先生がマジックパウダーと呼ぶミックスハーブです。思わず欲しいと思ってしまったカーブした包丁で、ハーブを混ぜ合わせるようにみじん切り。そして薄くスライスした七面鳥の肉を巻くときにかなりの量のディジョンマスタードをたっぷりぬりました。くるくると巻いて、あとは秘密!The mixed herb made a big difference to this main course. The teacher calls it ‘magic powder’. Chopped some herbs by a curvy knife (which I am still thinking to buy) and put the Dijon mustard to the sliced turkey. Roll them up together, then … secret … !

A rolled turkey with all ingredients before go to the oven.

New kitchen tool was introduced. This is to slice the block of meat evenly.

Dolce: Tarta di mele gratinataドルチェ: りんごのタルト
ケーキケーキしてないデザートで助かった。ゴールデンという種類のりんごを使いました。日本では何が一番近いんだろう?きっとりんごパイなら誰でも一度は作ったことのあるものかも。でも私はこれが初めてでした。以外と簡単なのね。りんごを並べるのに一番神経使うかな。Thanks for the teacher, this was not that heavy desert. Used ‘Golden’ apples. I am wondering what types of apple in Japan would be close enough to this? Everyone may have made the apple tarte/pie at least once. This was the first time for me. It is not so difficult at all. Display the apple slices beautifully is the most important thing at the end.

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