
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Day 6 : Toscana cooking@Firenze - フィレンツェで料理修行

今日はカメラをちゃんと持参。引き続き先生を独り占めして、その分切ったり混ぜたり大変だけど、楽しい3時間があっというまに過ぎました。4コースランチを食べ慣れたせいか、空腹感がでてきて、うれしい一日の始まりでした。 I didn’t forget my camera today. This is the 2nd day I am the only student to have a private lesson. It made me busy all the time to cut and mix etc., but 3 hours passed quickly. I probably got used to have 4-course lunch, so started feeling hungry a bit and I was happy about it.

Finocchial burro(フェンネルのバターソテー)
Spaghetti al arrabbiata(スパゲッティ・アラビアータ)
Scaloppine di vitello al gorgonzola(子牛のスカロッペ・ゴルゴンゾーラソース)
Insalata di frutti di bosco(森のフルーツのサラダ)

Antipasto : Finocchial burro前菜 : フェンネルのバターソテー
フェンネルって買ってまで食べない野菜の5本の指に入るくらい、そんなに好きじゃなかったけど、今日からいつでも食べたい野菜の仲間入りをしました。バターたっぷりのレシピに感謝です。Fennel  was on my top 5 vegetables I would not buy for myself, but it changed today and joined the vegetable list of which I want to eat anytime. I thank for the recipe.

Primo Piatto : Spaghetti al arrabbiata第一の皿: スパゲッティ・アラビアータ
やっぱりこれ抜きにパスタをつくれるとは言えないメニューです。すごく辛くしたいいう私のために、乾燥唐辛子の他にもシチリア産の貴重なチリペーストを加えてくださいました。ダブルチリでヒリヒリのスパゲッティでした。This past cannot be missed from my skill list. The teacher by now knows I can take very spicy taste, so she added very precious chilli paste from Sicilly on top of dried red pepper. Was great to taste ‘double-chilled’ pasta.

Secondo Piatto : Scaloppine di vitello al gorgonzola第二の皿: 子牛のスカロッペ・ゴルゴンゾーラソース
オッソブコ(すね肉の煮込み)をつくるはずだったけど、子牛のすね肉が手に入らなかったということで即座にメニュー変更。子牛の肉を薄く延ばして小麦粉をまぶり、両面焼いたあとにサラダの上にのせて、その上からバターとクリームとゴルゴンゾーラでできたソースを散らした以外とあっさりのメインでした。(ので無理なく完食!) Our plan was to make Ossobuco today, but the good meat was not found in the market, so changed the menu to scalope. The name of this menu sounds very heavy but it was actually light. After fried the floured thin veal meat, poured the sauce made from butter, cream and gorgonzora cheese. I was able to finish this plate!

Dolce: Insalata di frutti di boscoドルチェ: 森のフルーツのサラダ
昨日に引き続き、ケーキはもういいわという私にあっさりしたデザートを選んでくれました。つまみ食いしたら、イチゴもラズベリーもそのままで甘かった。でも、フルーツに砂糖をたっぷりかけるのは避けられない。イタリア料理って、徹底的に味をつけるのね。 Since I am an only student, the light desert was selected again. Picked strawverry and raspberry to taste. They were already very sweet, but it was not the recipe to skip the sugar. Phylosophycal finding – Italian cuisine needs to make very distinctive taste to everything?

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