
I have moved to Helsinki in February 2010. This is the forth country I live outside of Japan. There were many discoveries of delicious food in the UK, Singapore and Thailand, then over 30 countries I have visited for business trips and holidays. I am sure there are more here in Finland and I am here to start reporting what I experiences.


Day 8 : Toscana cooking@Firenze - フィレンツェで料理修行

Finally, the last day of cooking class. It is really sad to say goodbye to this life - cooking all the time, eating all Italian!
The last day menu was discussed for many days with my teacher. We decided to do fish&seafood course as all past classes cooked mostly meats.

Insalata di mare(魚介類のサラダ)
Risotto al nero di seppia(イカ墨のリゾット)
Trota salmonata(ニジマスの香草焼き)

Antipasto : Insalata di mare前菜 : 魚介類のサラダ
エビとイカがやわらく数種の野菜とマッチ。レモンをかけたり塩をいれるタイミングを学びました。oVery soft shrimp and squid matched with some vegetables. I learned when to mix with lemon juice and add the salt.

Primo Piatto : Risotto al nero di seppia第一の皿: イカ墨のリゾット
これもはずせないメニューですね。新鮮なイカをまるごとと、ペースト状のイカ墨を使いました。もっと黒くてもいいと先生はコメント。基本的なことかもしれないけど、実は知らなかったこと。具はにんにくと炒めるけど、お米は得シャロット(または玉ねぎと)。ここでも、混ぜちゃだめなんですね。This is another menu I could not miss. We used the whole fresh squid and black ink paste . The teacher commented that this could be 'more black'. It may be a basic thing, but I didn't know - fry the ingredients (e.g. squid today) with garlic, but fy the rice with eshallot or onion. Don't mix!

Secondo Piatto : Trota salmonata第二の皿: ニジマスの香草焼き
ぷりぷりしたニジマスをマジックパウダーとレモンを添えてオーブンへ。これはヘルシンキに戻ったら、重宝するレシピだわ。This is very useful recipe for residents in Finland! Salmon trout with magic powder and lemon.

Dolce: Tiramisuドルチェ: ティラミス
最後はやっぱりこれで締め。先生のレシピはクッキーとクリームを3段重ねにして、ざっくりと刻んだビターチョコレートをちりばめました。This is THE last one to learn and taste. The recipe here was to put  cookies and creams in three layers and add the chopped bitter chocolate everywhere instead of cacao powder on top. Very delicious!

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